GLIHA Energy Advisory Committee

The objective of GLIHA’s Energy Advisory Committee is to provide insight into program design for an efficient and clean energy program that meets the needs of GLIHA housing communities. The Committee will assess the opportunities for clean energy development and implementation for GLIHA members.  The Committee will meet either virtually or in-person on a regular basis. A listing of Committee members and the initial interview questionnaire are below.

Committee Members:

Name Affiliation Phone Email
Jeff Ackley Lac du Flambeau 715-622-0540
Marlys Whiteagle Ho Chunk 608-444-8477
Anna McGeshick Lac Vieux Desert 906-287-0403
Jane Barrett Red Lake 218-679-3368
Adrian Beaulieu Red Lake 218-679-3514
Elroy Ross Upper Sioux 320-564-6303
Ray DePerry Red Cliff 715-779-3744
Neil Whitegull Ho Chunk 608-374-1245
Marcy Gouge Lac Courte Oreilles 715-634-2147
Ben Wandahsega Hannahville Indian Community 906-723-2290
Daniel Boyd Mille Lacs 320-523-4181
Darelyn Lehto Prairie Island 651-267-4073
Jen Warren Bad River 715-682-2271

Initial Interview Questionnaire Click here to download

Confirm electric and natural gas (if any) utility providers.

How many housing units are managed by the housing authority?

  • Number tribally owned? (Or what department manages tribally owned?)
  • Number HUD units?
  • Single Family
  • Multi Family

What are the primary and secondary heating fuels used?

What percentage of units have cooling?

Are any new housing projects in the planning or development stages?

Have any units received weatherization services in the last 10 years?

Have any renewable energy systems been installed, or are planned for installation?

Have any renewable energy systems been installed, or are planned for installation?